Friday, 21 December 2012

Paragraph, Essay and Research Review (MEDIUM)

Alright, so this is the mandatory assignment you need to do before you graduate with Turning Point. If you're a Grade 11 English student you should do it for your Grade 11 course (and then you won't have to do it for Grade 12) - if you didn't do grade 11 with us (and therefore didn't do it for Grade 11) then you will do it for your Grade 12 mark. Either way - you have to do it. There are 5 modules - read through each one and complete the tasks attached to each.

As usual, if you have any questions be sure to let me know.

Module #1 - Writing the Sentence    (5 marks)
Module #2 - Writing the Paragraph  (20 marks - don't do the PDF worksheets - lucky!)
Module #3 - Writing the Thesis        (20 marks)
Module #4 - Planning your Essay     (20 marks)
Module #5 - Doing good Research  (30 marks)