Thursday, 28 March 2013

Being Super (BIG)

For this assignment you'll need a few things. First of all, you'll need a school iPad (#1-10) so you can read the story. You'll also need a few other things.

For one, you'll need to build a presentation as part of this assignment - using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi or any other presentation software you like. BUT, in my opinion, no one knows how to do this properly.

Watch this slideshare presentation to get some badly needed tips/tricks.

Try going to this URL. It will show you what's up with Presentations.

Now that you've seen that you should be able to start the assignment. Good work (luck has nothing to do with it) and remember to ASK ME if you have any questions. IT'S MY JOB! AND I LOVE IT.

LINK to the Being Super Assignment

You'll also need these other two documents to complete the assignment.

LINK to the Comic Book Grammar and Tradition sheet
LINK to the Types of Characters in Fiction sheet