Thursday, 28 March 2013

Being Super (BIG)

For this assignment you'll need a few things. First of all, you'll need a school iPad (#1-10) so you can read the story. You'll also need a few other things.

For one, you'll need to build a presentation as part of this assignment - using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi or any other presentation software you like. BUT, in my opinion, no one knows how to do this properly.

Watch this slideshare presentation to get some badly needed tips/tricks.

Try going to this URL. It will show you what's up with Presentations.

Now that you've seen that you should be able to start the assignment. Good work (luck has nothing to do with it) and remember to ASK ME if you have any questions. IT'S MY JOB! AND I LOVE IT.

LINK to the Being Super Assignment

You'll also need these other two documents to complete the assignment.

LINK to the Comic Book Grammar and Tradition sheet
LINK to the Types of Characters in Fiction sheet


  1. KD - I think the cover is a little silly. I mean, the colours are great and the characters all look pretty cool (ripped!) - but so serious. And why does Wonder Woman have her hand on Batman's shoulder, like she's concerned and is looking to him for some support? Come on, she's Wonder Woman, she has WAY more powers than Batman. I guess they needed to get them all on there, and Martian Manhunter's cape does look pretty cool all billowing like that - but I wish Batman and the Flash had eyes. Creepy.

  2. I couldn't get the assignment to open on the iPad in Chrome. So I just have to assume the question was about the cover layout. I don't like Martian man being a focus of the cover. He's a nobody in the JLA, a hero for NOOBS. Stick to the classics. Is Superman 3feet tall?

  3. AQ ~~~ The cover looks pretty nice and attracting. Colours good. The issue don't have any title expect JLA (Justice League of America) which is only the name of the issues all together. And yes, I do agree with you Kevin, "Why does Wonder Woman have her hand on Batman's shoulder." Nothing happens between them in this issue but they do start dating after couple of JLA issues. Another thin that bothers me is why all men have same body muscles. I mean flash is a tall and skinny guy, he doesn't have any muscles. And even Wander Woman's muscle is shown but later in the issue you don't see any muscles on her. And why does Aquaman have a hook? He should be carrying a stick instead. Lastly, Superman's hair; why they have to give him girl hair? No seriously, just ruined his gorgeous sexy look. Long hair doesn't suit him. See Green Lantern's hair look nice. But over all it's well done and yes it does make me want to read it.

  4. (C.P) I personally don't like the cover, i think that there is too mush shading, and i know that you should never judge a book by its cover but the use of too much shading and darker color tones leads me to believe that the entire graphic novel will have an almost ominous tone to it. I also don't agree with the fact that all of the male Justice League members have a delirious look to their faces while Wonder Woman, the only female J.L.A member has a worried or frightened look to her face. To me this somewhat suggests that woman are not as powerful or audacious as men. Besides Supers are supposed to make people happy and delighted so why do none of the heroes have a delighted or happy look to them? Lastly the placement of the characters in the cover, i mean come on why are The Flash and The Green Lantern even next to each other, they have on ongoing childlike feud throughout the comic. Also I agree with (TLLP) comment below ,why are the greater known heroes like Batman and Superman pushed to the side while the lesser famous Martian Manhunter takes front and center? All in all the cover is not terribly done but if you are familiar and educated on the comics you will notice many mistakes that the illustrators made.

  5. Other than Superman's righteous mullet, the cover looks pretty appealing. Has he been doing neck workouts? I like the defined look, and the colours are really vibrant. As earthsaver pointed out, I don't like that Wonder Woman— arguably the most dominant female role in comics—is cowering behind Batman. These are just minor annoyances, though. Ultimately it makes me want to read on, especially to see what all their determined stares are fixed on.

  6. The cover is a little busy and full of dark color. The First thing that caught my eye was superman in the right corner because he's the brightest. I found the background color matched a little too well with the heroes costumes. If the background was a bright color like orange or red it would accent the characters and make them pop! all in all, the art work is magnificent. The only things i would change about the cover would be the spacing of the characters and color coordination.

  7. This comic book cover is freaking awesome! I don't read a lot of comic books, but this cover does make me want to start though. I like the expressions on the heroes faces, and the way the just stand in super hero mode. Like I said I don't read a lot of comics so I don't really know some of these heroes, but the way the artist made them stand out really helped me know who's, who, and what their super powers are. I have no complaints of this cover, and I look forward to reading it.

  8. JF- The entire cover of the comic looks rather different then what I would expect the characters from the Justice League to look like. Superman is sport a mullet, and the flash has some serious muscle going on versus his normal skinny track sort of physique. Not to mention Aqua-man who is normally the laughing stock of the whole DC universe I wouldn't want to make any snide comments at him while he looks like this.

    In short the design is definitely appealing to me because if their outward appearances have changed drastically like this, it causes the thought of how has their personalities changed from what I consider the norm to pop to the forefront of my mind.

  9. EA- While the cover of this JLA issue is colourful and eye-catching, it is also quite misleading. My main gripe with the cover is the fact that every character is completely "jacked," the Justice League is supposed to be a super group comprised of diverse characters, but in this cover they all look the same. Aqua-man looks half machine (wouldn't he rust?), and the Flash looks completely ripped confuses me. The depictions of these characters on the cover are not the same as the ones that we know and love.
    I don't think that the colour that was chosen for the background of the artwork was a good choice either.. Is it supposed to be a sky? A green sky? As well, the position of the characters on the cover is out-of-whack, mainly with Superman's position in the bottom right corner. If they had rearranged the characters I think they could have gotten a better position.

  10. JN-The JLA is cover is definitely eye-catching, but really crowded due to the different positions of characters and sizes, in my opinion. I do agree with one of the comments above about how there's too much shading, as well as the random background choice. I thought Super-man was supposed to look more clean-cut considering his job with the newspaper company, the fact that he has hair to his shoulders is odd to me. Green lantern is mustering up some sort of green orb, and like Kevin said Wonder-Woman looks concerned, so to me it appears that they are all confronted by something.

  11. SM - The JLA cover is composed well, but I find the colors to be crowded with unnatural tones. The difference between light and dark is extreme, as well with their chiseled bodies. Why can't heroes appear natural and admirable? Physical mass has been overused for quite some time, and I don't take the bait. Wonder Woman has more muscle definition in her neck than most men have in their whole bodies. Superman's hair is pretty long, and why is it blue? I still don't see why Kal-El would go to a hairstylist to dye his hair. This art style reminds myself of the 90s comic book era, which I wasn't a fan. On that note, I find these artists to be talented as can be, but I'm not 100% with the cover but that's my opinion.

  12. AP- The JLA cover is collected nicely, but the textures and colors are really plane and dark. Everything is crowded it looks like a big blob just mixed together. Why is everyone looking up like is there something up there. They should look straight so that us readers could see their expressions. The person who created this cover should have included villains. This is my opinion.

  13. RB- Personally, I really enjoy this front cover. It grabs my attention with the big buff super heroes. They look like they mean business, and that they won't let any evil villain get away. I disagree with what everyone else says about the colours. I think the colours refelect the comic very well, I mean the comic isn't about rainbows and puppies obviously it isn't going to be pink and purple. They have taken basic darker colours and have made them visually appealing. I think the Hulks cape ties the entire front cover together, it underlines the title making it stand out even more. The only thing is, if you didn't know who the Justice League was you may be confused if the top three super heroes were villains or not because they look really evil and mean. Other than that one thing I really enjoy this front cover and can't wait to read the comic!

    1. Before anyone jumps on RB - that is Martian Manhunter, not Dr. Banner's alter ego - but in all fairness to RB, the Hulk is a much more popular figure in culture than MM at the moment - an easy mistake.

  14. LR -I like the cover, but if you compare it to most JLA covers, this one is way too busy. With The over exaggeration in muscle definition an the clashing colors, the cover artist went a little over board. I have to agree with Aadil with the eyes; Half of them are looking up and the rest are looking towards the reader. I also agree with Evan, Why is Aquaman part metal? It isnt very logical on the artists part, as well with Supermans oddly long hair, and the flash's over toned muscles. It confuses me too as too not being able to recognize the top 3 characters as villains, they have the same basic expressions as the heroes. Over all it is a well done cover, it has a few kinks that may bother some very serious fans of the JLA, but for a casual reader it is a nicely done cover and would catch the attention of any other casual reader.

  15. (M.H.)-In my opinion, I think that this cover is not exactly the best way to show the marked rebirth of the JLA franchise. I find the cover to be too busy and too dark. The background of the cover is green. Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and the Green Lantern all have green on them and they blend with the background too much making them the most unnoticeable characters. I think the placement of Batman was also poor. He is dark in colour and was placed in the corner of the cover. I find the 3 standout characters to be Wonder Woman, Superman, and Flash. They are wearing red which stands out compared to everyone else's dark colours. I agree that there is too much shading. With most of the charcters already being dark in colour, the shading just makes the cover even darker and there is too much of it. Martian Manhunter is not really a famous character but the other 6 are some of the biggest superheroes in comics. I think putting those 6 on the cover is what makes me want to read the comic. Those 6 are what sells the cover in my opinion.

  16. SC - I'm not really a comic book reader at all. So with that being said if I were trying to find one to read, this one doesn't really jump out at me. I mean don't get me wrong the amount of characters on the front does excite me, making my brain wonder what all will take place in the comic. It's just not as eye catching as I believe It could be. With Something as simple as a change to a nice bright colour would make the characters pop and come to life more rather then fading into the background. Lastly a little tweaking to the title I think would make it look nicer, maybe a different font or perhaps “JLA” not being so much bigger then “ The World’s Greatest super-Heroes” because with everything going on I feel like I almost didn't even see it. Other then that I think the artwork is fantastic.
