
This is where to go if you're new. And it's the place you'll go to get done. So, welcome! And congrats. Now, get the he&! out!


If you're new here, it's good to meet you. We're glad you've found our little school. Most of our students end up taking Grade 12 English, so your path is well trod. The first thing you'll want to do is watch this presentation.

Once you've watched that powerpoint (and hopefully read through the notes, they're helpful if you're doing this without me) it's time to get started.

So, without further ado, here is your FIRST ASSIGNMENT

Once you've done that, you're ready to dig in. I need to see an exampe of each skill before I can help you improve or tell you you're done. So it doesn't matter where you start. Choose an assignment that looks interesting and let's get going. If you can't find one you like (really?!) - then pick a topic, pick a skill, and get going. As always, ask me if you have any questions, about anything.


As I said, this is also the place to go once you've completed all of the skills at least once and are ready to attempt a culminating task. Usually I'll let you know once you're close, but feel free to ask, I want you to be involved, you're 'driving the bus'.

 Before you do the culminating task (which I will give to you, I just want to talk with you about it before you start) I want you to do this short assignment.

Once you've done that, you better start planning a grad party, you're just ONE STEP AWAY!\

In any event, here is your LAST ASSIGNMENT (before the culminating).

Once you complete this assignment you have nothing left to do but complete the Culminating Task. If all goes well you should be done. Well done, and as always, if you have any questions about anything related to Turning Point, English class or school in general, ASK ME.

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